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Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-23 v 14.44.31
2-191029 RfF 14
1-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-20 v 22.22.21
1-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-22 v 23.41.50
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-22 v 18.00.39
1-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-17 v 12.27.56
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-23 v 15.28.11
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-22 v 20.19.52
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-22 v 23.50.13
2-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-21 v 23.39.36
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-20 v 14.11.32
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-23 v 17.23.08
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-21 v 19.32.45
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-22 v 22.00.28
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-17 v 17.24.48
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-18 v 16.33.23
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-23 v 16.00.14
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-20 v 14.56.16
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-23 v 16.16.04
Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-21 v 19.40.41
2-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-23 v 14.35.30
2-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-20 v 14.08.53
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A+ portfolio
100% remote classes
One-on-one tutoring
Flexible schedule
Great selection of majors
Launch your creative career
Convenient and professional

During his last year at school, my son decided that he wanted to become a graphic designer. Of course, we supported him. My husband managed to find the Draw Study courses. They helped him a lot with the portfolio. As a result of their hard work my son has been studying at the University of South Florida for six months


Anna Hartman

Thanks to the Draw Study, I am studying to become a designer at the California Institute of Art! Hurray!


Lillian Dickson

I learned about the Draw Study from a friend. The thing is that I noticed that the level of his skills has increased a lot. Now I am also studying online. I plan to enroll as a photographer and improve my professionalism. I have heard a lot of successful stories about enrolling with the Draw Study.

ульяна самохина

Milana Carey

Thanks to DrawSchool for the help and support. I didn't know where to start my portfolio and the guys from DrawSchool helped me with this. They were always in touch and answered any of my questions. Now you can congratulate me, because thanks to this I am studying at one of the best universities in the USA and I really like it.

2-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-21 v 23.43.29

Diana Rose

I decided to study in Spain and become a designer. I have chosen a program in English. The Draw Study helped me arrange all the necessary papers, provided me with an amazing mentor, and helped me find the right university. They also helped a lot with the preparation of the portfolio and solved all visa issues. You are amazing!

виктория малышева

Hanna Hardin

How can we help you prepare the perfect portfolio for successful admission?

100% remote

100% remote

All the classes are 100% remote! Enjoy the theory and work on your portfolio from the comfort of your home! Stop letting the busy life prevent you from achieving your dreams — choose the time that works best for you.

Experienced tutors

Experienced tutors

Our tutors are the best graduates from the most selective art schools. These are accomplished professionals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. Our goal is to create a nurturing environment for your talents.

No prerequisites

No prerequisites

If you’ve never picked up a brush in your life or if you’re confident in your skills — all are welcome to our classes! We have programs for everyone! After our course, you’ll be ready to get into the school of your dreams!

100% success

100% success

The only thing you need is a passion for the art. Our experts will ensure that you have the strongest portfolio. Your exam preparation will outshine the competition.

Convenient and simple

Convenient and simple

All you need to have is a computer with Internet access, a microphone, and a webcam. All technical problems can be quickly solved with your mentor.

Tailor-made programs

Tailor-made programs

Draw Study leverages 8 years of application prep experience to tailor the program to your needs. Our approach guarantees the fastest progression for your skills.

Draw Study will build you a professional portfolio and open the doors to the art school of your dreams!

Our online courses are going to prepare you for the most challenging universities in the US and all over the globe! We offer comprehensive support for over 40 creative majors. They range from architecture, interior design, industrial design, graphic design, and brand identity to web design, game design, illustration, digital art, drawing, painting and fine arts, fashion design, photography, directing, editing, filmmaking, TV graphics, and stagecraft. We will analyze your background and your preferences to design a plan that would work best for your goals.

Every year, Draw Study helps over 2,000 students to get into the most competitive art schools in the world. Become a part of the creative elite of tomorrow! We’re happy to prepare you for both undergraduate and graduate admissions. Getting you into a high school or a college abroad is not a problem either! Make your dreams come true with Draw Study! You can live a comfortable life while doing what you love! What are you waiting for? Let’s start your creative career today! Prepare your portfolio for architecture, design, cinema. Portfolio preparation for college, undergraduate creative degree, masters 100% remote admission portfolio prep program.

Do you want to get into art schools in the US and Europe?

We designed Draw Study online course specifically for those who are dreaming about art education. We bring to you all the benefits of the tailor-made program! Your personal mentors will provide support throughout the entire length of the course. Our experienced tutors are world-renowned experts in their field. Getting into the most selective schools is easy with Draw Study!

We are excited to help you with both undergraduate and graduate programs. Moreover, we are well-versed in preparing students to study in Europe. Our mentors are ready to answer any questions that you might have and help you choose the best place to start your creative career at.

With Draw Study, you’ll get:

  • In-depth consulting about admission to the US and European art schools.
  • Comprehensive help with choosing a major.
  • 100% remote course to hone your skills.
  • Preparing an outstanding portfolio to surprise an admission committee.
  • Focus on what you love and let us take care of all the organizational issues. We’ll help you with all the documents and deadlines!

With Draw Study, building a magical portfolio is easy! We are very flexible, and you can fit our classes in between your work, school, university, and hobbies! Stop waiting on your dreams — make them a reality!

What are the prerequisites?

For our course, the only prerequisite is the passion for art. The colleges, however, are going to assess you based on your portfolio. Although the requirements may vary between colleges and countries, the committee usually expects to see at least 15 unique art pieces. These might include drawings, animations, pictures, and films — it mainly depends on your major. It’s highly advisable to have different styles within your portfolio, as it’s supposed to reflect your character and your unique vision of the world.

Most colleges would also require you to pass an entrance exam. As part of this exam, you’ll tell the committee about your portfolio, and talk about your goals and motivation. Moreover, some colleges also ask applicants to pass creative tests to ensure that the portfolios are their own!

Our experienced tutors and personal mentors guarantee that you’ll get an acceptance letter from the most prestigious universities in the United States or abroad. Draw Study course in the only thing you need to prepare for the application process! The world of art awaits!

Creative art careers Hide

Creative art careers

Special effects, VFX
Photo and video
Art pedagogy
Game design
Web design
Film, TV graphics, editing
Fine arts
Graphic design
Interior Design
Digital art
Fashion design
Industrial Design
Scenography, cinema and theater
Digital design, UI, UX

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Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-21 v 10.23.33

Free Consultation ➔


Draw Study is your key to getting an acceptance letter

Our mentors will help you with any organizational, technical, or educational questions. They'll always be there for you!

Our experts will work closely with you to hone your art skills, while also ensuring that you have a strong, diverse portfolio.

Our tutors are accomplished artists. They'll answer any questions about the colleges you want to go to.

Prepare a stunning portfolio

Your portfolio is the key element of the application. Our experts will work closely with you to create new works and improve the ones you already have. The more engaging and diverse your portfolio is, the higher your chances of getting into the school of your dreams. We'll ensure that your portfolio showcases your personality, passion, and unique style. Let's blow their minds together!

Hone your skills

Colleges are looking for people who have fresh and unique ideas. You'll need to show many sketches in various styles if you want to really surprise them. We can make it true together!

Choose the best college for you

We'll help you choose the college that matches your goals to ensure you get the most out of your time there. Our experts will leverage their experience to make you a stunning portfolio to surprise the admission committee. We'll be right beside you through your entire journey.

Start your creative career

Your personal mentors will work closely with you to ensure that you’re motivated and ready to work hard on your skills. Not only will we help with the important things like your portfolio, but we'll also share all the tips and tricks you'll need for your dream career.

Find your dream major

Draw Study will help you choose the major that works for you. Our experts will work closely with you to find the things you're passionate about, and we'll tailor our classes and your portfolio around that! It'll give you the best chance of getting into the school of your dreams.

Tap into your creative potential

We provide complete and comprehensive support for each student. We'll work on honing your skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, fashion design, interior design, architecture, and much more!

Study anywhere!

If you've always wanted to study abroad and travel the world, we'll be happy to help you! Our team will use your hobbies, experience, and language fluency to choose the countries that would work best for you. A lot of European universities offer classes in English, too!

What are you waiting for? Let’s make your dreams of getting into an art school a reality!

Learn more! ➔


Draw Study will make your dreams come true!

4,8 / 5
More than 150 reviews

I want to thank the Draw Study for helping me choose the educational institution of my dreams! I also want to thank them for their sensitive approach and guidance in creating my portfolio. Before the start of classes, I had only a couple of works. During the year of preparation, we did a lot of things, which allowed us to avoid adding several works to the final version of the portfolio. I have never thought that I am able to create such amazing projects! Thank you again!

Mary Wilson


Thanks to the Draw Study, I am studying to become a designer at the California Institute of Art! Hurray!

Lillian Dickson


I decided to study in Spain and become a designer. I have chosen a program in English. The Draw Study helped me arrange all the necessary papers, provided me with an amazing mentor, and helped me find the right university. They also helped a lot with the preparation of the portfolio and solved all visa issues. You are amazing!

Hanna Hardin

виктория малышева

I received tremendous support and help from them, not to mention high-quality knowledge. I was also able to create a particularly good portfolio with their help. Everything worked out for me, so, you can congratulate me! I will study art in California.

Caroline Brown


During his last year at school, my son decided that he wanted to become a graphic designer. Of course, we supported him. My husband managed to find the Draw Study courses. They helped him a lot with the portfolio. As a result of their hard work my son has been studying at the University of South Florida for six months

Anna Hartman


We chose the Draw Study to prepare for admission. My son wanted to choose the field of graphic design. We took the full package in order to prepare the portfolio in a proper way. We did it! And guys from the Draw Study were always in touch!

Nicole Delaney


I joined online training with the Draw Study for admission to an educational institution in Italy. I took a full package with courses in drawing, language, and portfolio creation. I really liked it! They helped me at every step. Now I am in Italy, already studying architecture!

Alexandra Heller


The Draw Study is the best solution for entering a creative faculty! By using their comprehensive support, my son created an astonishing portfolio, learned how to present himself, and started to be proud of his projects! It is particularly important. I fully recommend the Draw Study!

Rebecca Drake


We planned to enroll in an architectural faculty, but we had to improve our skills before the entrance exams. We also needed to create a portfolio. Then, we decided to join the Draw Study. We managed to make it in time thanks to the online format!

Kylie Simon

alena review

I learned about the Draw Study from a friend. The thing is that I noticed that the level of his skills has increased a lot. Now I am also studying online. I plan to enroll as a photographer and improve my professionalism. I have heard a lot of successful stories about enrolling with the Draw Study.

Milana Carey

ульяна самохина

My eldest daughter entered the interior designer faculty with the help of the Draw Study last year. Now, my son is also preparing to go to Canada to become an architect. We are sure it is going to be amazing since we already have a positive experience!

Gina Farley


Thanks to DrawSchool for the help and support. I didn't know where to start my portfolio and the guys from DrawSchool helped me with this. They were always in touch and answered any of my questions. Now you can congratulate me, because thanks to this I am studying at one of the best universities in the USA and I really like it.

Diana Rose

2-Snímek obrazovky 2022-02-21 v 23.43.29

How do the lessons work?

1. Can you walk me through your process?

Sure can! We’ll start by discussing your hobbies and experience to find the best college for you. After, we’ll send you a comprehensive list of requirements and deadlines. Our team will also offer a list of backup options to ensure you make your dreams a reality!

2. How do you help with portfolios and exams?

After choosing colleges, we’ll work closely with you to hone your skills. Our tutors will help you make a stunning portfolio to surprise the admission committee. Draw Study will provide you with all the materials and support to prepare for the entrance exams.

3. How long is your course?

Usually, it takes a year to finish the entirety of the course. However, we also have a more intense option with more classes! The best thing is you can begin whenever you like. Just choose the time that works for you and get ready for your dreams to turn into reality!

4. What majors are you working with?

We work with over 40 of them! With us, you can study anything — from fashion design to stagecraft. Even if we don’t officially offer your major, reach out to us, and we’ll ensure that you have everything you need to get into the college of your dreams.

5. So what should I expect after I graduate from an art school?

In the States, fresh graduates should expect to get upward of 80,000 USD a year. For Europe, the number is around 60,000 EUR. Big international companies are always looking for people with an art education — these are the best employees to work on their brand identity and the design of their products! Alternatively, this education will help you launch your own company!

6. What if I want to study abroad?

Not a problem at all! The States have a lot of great schools, but Europe and the UK offer a chance to see the world and save the difference in tuition. Most European colleges offer classes in English! If you speak local languages, you can study basically for free.

7. Can I join Draw Study if I can’t even draw?

We’re happy to see students with any level of experience — that is why we’re Draw Study and not Draw Pros! We’re excited to be your gateway into the world of creativity. Over 2,000 students tried our unique teaching methods and got into the schools of their dreams. You’ll be in safe hands! The only thing we’d need is your passion for the craft!

8. Can you guarantee that I'll get accepted after taking your course?

We are certain that the admission committee will notice a well-prepared student with outstanding skills and a stunning portfolio. Moreover, in addition to the main option, we always prepare backups, so we are confident that you’ll get in! We’ll be happy to tell you more during our free consultation!

9. I can’t find the college or the country I want. Can you help me?

Absolutely! Our website shows the most popular colleges and countries that our students chose in the past. However, we’re totally flexible and can prepare you for any college you want to go to!

10. Make your dreams a reality with Draw Study!

Join Draw Study to start preparing for your dream college today. Our experts are well-known around the world. We tailor our classes to your preferences. Reach your full potential through our one-on-one mentoring! Your bright future awaits! Get a FREE consultation!

Book a free consultation right now!

Why choose Draw Study?

Experienced team of professionals
Guranteed acceptance letter
Full personalized support
Create a stunning portfolio
Guidance every step of the way

Why do I need to enroll in an art faculty?

Make your dreams come true
Prestigious education
Fantastic career opportunities
$80,000 a year right after college
Earn with your art

Sign Up for a Live Online Course

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Why wait any longer? Join Draw Study today!

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Course terms

Draw Place Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any basic creative skills to enroll in your course?

Not at all! The only thing we need is your passion for art. We'll be happy to work with you even if you have zero creative skills. We organize students into small groups, and our tutors work one-on-one with each student. Within the group, all the students are on the same level. This way, we can create a welcoming environment while our experts nurture your talent and hone your skills. We're here to help you build an excellent portfolio and get you into the college of your dreams!

Can't I just look up someone's portfolio and copy their work?

Firstly, colleges take cheating very seriously. But beyond that, your portfolio should reflect your personal style, talent, and interests. You'll be hurting your chances to get into college if you use someone else's template or even plagiarize their work!

I have doubts if this is for me. Can you help me?

We'd be happy to! All of our experts are great artists with substantial teaching experience! Therefore, we're the best people to talk to about the creative field. We'll give you our recommendations based on your skills, preferences, and your personal style.

Can you help me choose the best college for me?

We know that choosing colleges by yourself might be a daunting process. You need to choose your major and find the best colleges for it. You'll need to be aware of all the rankings and global recognition. You'll also need to know all the admission requirements. What exams do they need? What are the application dates? What fees do you need to pay? What documents do they need?
Thankfully, our assistants will help you choose the best colleges for you. We'll also help you get all the documents for admission and remind you about all the upcoming deadlines!

I'm terrible at drawing. Can I still enroll?

All of us were terrible at drawing at some point. Draw Study works to ensure that you reach your full potential. We divide students into small groups based on their skills. Besides the group work, our experts do one-on-one lessons with each student to guarantee rapid progress. Even if you can't draw right now, you'll be great at it in a year!

Can I work on my portfolio, while also studying at school or having a job?

Of course! Our main goal is to help you achieve your dreams. We'll create a flexible schedule that would ensure that you have enough time to work on your portfolio. We can offer classes at any time of day or night! However, it's important to keep in mind that you need to start working on your portfolio at least a year in advance! But even if you have less than a year before the application, we can offer you our intensive program with multiple classes per week. We'd love to work with you to find the best time for our classes in your life!

Will you help me moving there?

We'll be happy to handle all the paperwork necessary for it. We know how hard it can be to keep track of all those applications and lists of documents, and we'll be happy to take that burden off you. Your mentors will help with everything. Draw Study guarantees a smooth road to your creative future!

It must be expensive to study abroad, right?

You might be surprised, but it's actually significantly cheaper than getting the same education in the States! Moreover, in some countries, you can study for free as long as you speak their local language! European colleges would cost you from $2,000 to $15,000 a year. It'll be around $15,000-$50,000 if you want to study in the UK. Most European colleges teach their courses in English. We're here to support you through your application process. We'll help you choose the best country, college, and program to match your unique needs.

What exams do I need to study abroad?

It depends on the country and the college you choose. As a rule, most of the colleges would expect you to submit your portfolio. Then, they'll ask you to pass an entrance exam followed by an interview. They usually ask about your work, your creative process, your motivation, and your hobbies. Sometimes, they'd require students to make a specific project or a drawing. Thankfully, our team is full of experts who used to work in those colleges, so we know all the secrets of acing those exams!

What do I need to get into an art school?

Colleges worldwide expect you to send them a portfolio, a demonstration of your creative skills, and a couple of personal statements. You'll need to pass the entrance exams and submit your documents before the deadline. Some colleges require a creative exam. Here, at Draw Study, we'll be with you every step of the way! Our professors with years of experience in the field will work closely with you to develop and improve your portfolio. We'll also provide you with training materials to improve your skills. Every student gets a personal advisor that helps them with the paperwork and reminds them about upcoming deadlines. Draw Study will ensure that you'll have the best possible portfolio for the art schools!

Who's going to work with me on my portfolio?

We have a wide array of Draw Study instructors! They're all kind and passionate professionals with a lot of teaching experience. All of them are great professionals who are passionate about sharing their knowledge! They'll work with you to create new masterpieces for your portfolio and improve those that you've already created!

What countries are you working with?

Each part of our course is 100% remote! So you can work with us wherever you are. All you need is a good connection, a laptop, and a creative spark for creating beautiful art.

My portfolio is empty right now. Do I have enough time to prepare it?

Usually, our online course lasts for at least a year. Our experience with thousands of students tells us that one year is more than enough to build a strong portfolio even for the most selective schools.

Can you tell more more about the training process?

With pleasure! It's a 100% remote course. Therefore, you can ask any question and get your answer right away — we provide 24/7 support for all of our students. Each group gets an expert with a lot of experience in their field. We tailor our approach to the needs and desires of every student. We'll also assign you a personal mentor who'll help you choose a major and the best college for it. They'll also help you with all the paperwork, deadlines, and anything else you might need! Draw Study will get your skills to the next level!

But how do I decide on the major?

That's always a tough question! We'll use your passion and background to give you majors that might work best for you. At Draw Study, we've worked with more than 40 different creative majors including architecture, industrial design, interior design, graphic design, brand identity, digital identity, illustration, web design, digital art, drawing and painting, fine art, fashion design, photography, animation, directing, editing, filmmaking, interactive media, stagecraft, arts education, game design, and many other creative fields. Our experts are excited to help you choose your future career! Book a free online consultation to learn more!

Can you help me get my degree abroad?

If you want to study abroad, it'll be our pleasure to help you choose the best country for you! We'll give you the list of documents you'll have to prepare and the deadline you'll need to meet. In addition to polishing your portfolio, our experts will prepare you for the entrance exams. We have plenty of experience preparing students to study abroad, so we'll be able to give you the advice you can't find online!

There are so many countries, though! How do I choose from them?

Most of it depends on your own preferences. You must like the country and its culture. Keep in mind that you should speak the language, too! We'll be happy to help with it. In a year, our language experts will put your proficiency to the college requirements. We'll also help you sign up for language tests, so you can submit the certificate of fluency as part of our application.
The second thing to keep in mind is the general cost of living in the country. Colleges in Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Austria offer free education as long as you meet certain criteria. Spanish, French and Italian colleges are well-known for their low tuition!
Our mentors will work with you to choose the countries that would work best for you!
